Real Estate. Real Design.
Bad news: It's freakin' $2,900. Whhhhyyyy do you people do this to me?!?
Well, any of these will do, too. Only $485?!?!
Note to self: Confront parents a.s.a.p. as to why I don't have a trust fund.
More good news: Special guest Blogger tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!
Anyway, its not really a "vacation" in the traditional sense, since we are going there for his Grandmother's memorial service (she passed away last year and this was the best opportunity for a bunch of his family members to all get together). I have, however; always wanted to go to Maine and I'm sure it will be a very beautiful, somber and peaceful trip.
I've managed to find a few incredible photos of our hotel room and I do have to say, I don't know if seafood and exploring Maine will be enough to get me to want to leave the hotel...
According to Barlas Baylar, Hudson's founder and designer, "None of the woods we use are harvested from old growth forests. Our wood slabs are domestically sourced from either salvaged trees or wind/storm damaged trees. The trees have an average life span of 250-300 years. When these trees die, they gradually do so from the crest to the roots. The farmers or the tree owners thus have to remove these trees as they might cause damage to houses, other trees or outlying areas. We integrate various wood species into our designs to produce unique works of art."
All of the furniture is available in custom dimensions, custom finishes and a variety of wood species such as Claro Walnut, Black Walnut, Myrtle, Jasmine, Acacia, Satinwood and Ebonized Pine.
What's that you say? You wish you could see a close-up of that amazing chandelier with nickel trim? Ask and ye shall receive.
Solid Walnut Coffee Table with Plexiglass Base
Whew! It's gettin' hot in here already. Please, please, please tell me you at one time owned Prince's album, 1999.
I want this in my house. Reeaalll bad. Image via 2008 'Top Design' winner hottie, Nathan Thomas', interior design company portfolio.
Moving right along, we have a few fine pieces of my favorite British feminist artist/bad girl Tracey Emin.
You Forgot to Kiss My Soul,Tracey Emin, 2001
Kiss me, kiss me, cover my body in love,Tracey Emin, 1996
Everything for Love, Tracey Emin, 2005
Yours truly at a Dan Flavin installation at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas and my friends hamming it up below.
I don't remember where this image is from, but I do know it's the naughtiest escalator I've ever seen. Saucy!