Living in Texas and inching towards June means just one's getting freakin' HOT outside, people!
I'm very fortunate to have the ability to work from home, away from the confines of an office with fluorescent overhead lighting and not having to step foot inside of a 100 degree plus car rocks pretty hard as well. I am, however; faced with the challenging task of staying focused on work instead of staring out into the backyard daydreaming about where the pool will go one day and how cute it will be. To make matters worse, I get to hear the neighbors' kids across Shoal Creek enjoy their new pool and learn the rules are associated with each of their water games.
View from the dining room table at which I work. Look at that yard, just begging for a cool pool! Even my cat Boone is longing for one...
Since we're talking pools, which style of pool speaks to you?
Grandiose a la Hearst Castle?

Round, private and wooded?
Or a pool on lava from an active volcano?
Robert Trickey House, Big Island, Hawaii
How about chic and stylish?

Or are you like me and prefer simple and minimalist, like these babies?
Above, quite possibly my dream pool.
Elle Decor
No, wait! This one above. This is my dream pool.

Casa Kimball, Dominican Republic
Elle Decor
Austin Towers, Texas
Santa Ynez, California

How about chic and stylish?

Or are you like me and prefer simple and minimalist, like these babies?

No, wait! This one above. This is my dream pool.

Hey, I used to live in Santa Ynez. I wonder where that house is?
Super dee dooper round-up, missy!
Wow, wow, wow! These are all amazing!!!
btw, where do you live? Looks pretty well!
oops, SWELL!!!
Thanks, Erin. I live in Allandale in north Central.
That indoor-underground-harem-pool at Hearst Castle has always been my favorite since the first time I stood at it's ledge and felt that warm womb flare, when I was eleven years old. It has been in many of my dreams since that day. Sensitive little Pisces that I am, it serves as my safe place. Thanks for the reminder.
Awww, allandale is fab!
There is no way I could pic which pool i love...they are all amazing!
Well hello, Bali!
These are all pretty amazing and I sure as hell wouldn't turn any of them down, but I think I prefer the ones surrounded by a swath of green turf.
Your view is pretty kickin', even sans pool.
Thanks, NKP! House of Slappy welcomes you!
As per the rights of the last image, could you please credit the copyright holder, Sean McGrath, or link the image to
Thank you.
I hate working and doing service on a summer afternoon, too. Ugh. That Hearst Castle indoor pool is so lovely! I love indoor swimming pools. I would love to have that second chic and stylish pool in my house in Chicago! Your dream pool fits perfectly on your backyard.
There’s so much variety among these pools! This is a testament that pools don’t only serve to rid our body heat, they are also crucial elements in any place. That’s why pools are becoming edgier and bolder in design. A pool that is unique and has that wow factor will stand out at any given day.
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